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If you feed them…

Sunday, 22 November 2009

As mandated by our synagogue’s Constitution, our community gathers twice a year for a Congregational Meeting. The May meeting, which occurs just 6 weeks prior to the end of the fiscal year, is typically a longer meeting as it includes the passing of the budget. The November meeting is more of a State-of-the-Synagogue.

Tonight’s business was conducted in a relatively short amount of time. People came early for a nosh…and lingered for quite some time after the conclusion of the meeting. I know that everyone is busy and has a lot going on in their lives. But tonight, they really took the time to kibitz. To enjoy one another’s company. To enjoy the yummy food (thanks Board of Trustees!). I personally enjoyed D’s macademia nut brownies, S’s homemade cookies, L’s peanut butter cookies, AND S’s (yes, the same S!) famous yellow cake with chocolate frosting.

As unexpected as this might sound, a great time was had by all.

One Comment leave one →
  1. Monday, 23 November 2009 8:34 am

    sounds delicious! and fun….isn’t that nice when people hang out a bit?

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