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In Preparation

Thursday, 6 October 2011

To all those I might have slighted, offended, or upset during the year 5771,

Please let me know. Really.

I cannot give a blanket apology for unknown sins/transgressions/mistakes. For in doing so, I am unable to correct my behaviour in the future. And I would be unable to make a direct confession to God. Or an apology to you.

True repentance cannot be done on a Facebook status or in a 140-character 9or less) Tweet. It is a process that requires us to turn and face those whom we have wronged. To face ourselves. And to face the Holy One.

Please grant me the opportunity to say, “I have wronged you and I am sorry.”

G’mar Chatimah Tovah (May you be sealed [in the Book of Life] for good),
Frume Sarah


P.S. A flashback post about why Frume Sarah will never wish you an easy fast.

2 Comments leave one →
  1. the writ and the wrote permalink
    Thursday, 6 October 2011 4:43 pm

    You said it better than I ever could have. Thank you.

  2. Thursday, 6 October 2011 8:46 pm

    This is so well put it, thank you for sharing it w/all of us.

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